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Prefer to call us

For mobile users, swipe left to view our opening hours

Your Query Phone number Opening hours
Water and Wastewater 0345 672 3723 24 hours a day
Billing and Accounts 0345 672 2888
(without meter)

0345 672 2999
(with meter)

8am - 8pm Monday to Thursday 

8am - 6pm on Fridays

8am - 4pm on Saturdays

Affordability 0800 072 6765
Moving Home 0345 026 7661
Priority Services 0345 072 6093
Bereavement  0800 912 7249
Ringing from abroad +44 207 197 0197

British Sign Language Video Interpreter

To contact us using a British Sign Language video interpreter, please visit the link below. We’re available between 8am - 8pm Monday to Sunday.

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