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Our unmetered charges for 2025/2026

As you don’t have a water meter, your water and wastewater charges are fixed for the year and are calculated using the rateable value of your home. You can also click the button below for our full charges scheme document.

Charges scheme 2025/26
  • Rateable values (RV) were set by the Inland Revenue prior to 31 March 1990 and were based on factors such as the size, condition and location of your home. The Valuation Office no longer changes rateable values. They cannot be changed by water companies and cannot be appealed by the customer. We work out your bills by multiplying your home’s rateable value with a charge for each of our services and your standing charge is a fixed charge for the year and isn’t based on your rateable value.

  •   2024/25 2025/26 Change £
    Water standing charge

    Covers basic services e.g sending bills and customer enquires.
    £80.22 £101.48 £21.26
    Water charge per RV

    The cost of the clean water we supply to your home.
    £1.329 £1.668 £0.339
    Sewerage charge per RV

    Taking away all your used water (which we call wastewater), cleaning it and returning it to rivers and the sea.
    £2.070 £2.669 £0.599

    The table below shows the typical unmeasured bill of £752 (2025/2026 prices) and how it is shared across the services we provide.

    Usage m3 Charge % of total bill
    Water fixed charge​  £101.48 ​ 14%​
    Water RV charge​ £250.20 33%
    Foul sewerage​ £247.35 33%
    Surface water drainage​ £104.85 14%
    Highways drainage​ £48.15 6%
  • We would encourage you to check if you could reduce your bills with a water meter as most customers who switch to a water meter save at least £100 a year. We also offer a lowest bill guarantee for the first two years which means you will not be charged more than you would have been without a meter.

    Visit here to find out more and to see how much you could save by being in control of your water usage.

Your RV can be found the rate multiplier for your water and wastewater charges on page 2 of your billNot sure what Rateable Value you're billed by?

Check the 'Your charges' section on page 2 of your latest bill. Your rateable value is the £ value displayed for your water and wastewater. It's then multiplyed by the rate shown to calculate the cost of your charges for the year.

Example charges for households without a water meter

Example rateable value 2024/25 (£) 2025/26 (£) Change (£)
30 £182 £232 £50
65 £301 £383 £82
100 £420 £535 £115
150 £590 £752 £162
300 £1,100 £1,403 £303
400 £1,440 £1,836 £396
600 £2,120 £2,704 £584

Save money by only paying for what you use

Most customers who switch to a meter save at least £100 a year.

We fit meters for free, and with our Lowest Bill Guarantee you won’t pay more.

Water Meters

Supporting you with your bill

Visit here for details about all the ways we can support you if you are having difficulties with your payments, including all of our support schemes and independent organisations who provide free advice to help you tackle your household debts.

Support with your bill

Make payments more manageable by setting up a Direct Debit

Spread your payments over the year when you set up a Direct Debit and we'll give you a £5 annual discount.

Direct Debit

Register for Priority Services

Priority Services is free and allows us to help our customers who need additional support due to age, ill health, disability, mental health problems, financial worries or language barriers 

Register now

Not a metered customer? Find your charges below

Select the charges for how you're billed to see what's changed