Understanding your bill
Let us explain how we calculate the cost of your water and wastewater services. Jargon not included!
Don't forget to download our handy guide on how to save money on your bills as well as information about the services you pay for. There's a version if you don't have a water meter (PDF 2.80 MB opens in new window) and one if you have a water meter (PDF 3.20 MB opens in new window).
Let us explain how we calculate the cost of your water and wastewater services. Jargon not included!
If you have a water meter and your bill is higher than normal, click here to find out why.
If you're having trouble paying your bill, get in touch and find out how we can support you.
Household charges for metered and unmetered customers for 2025/26.
Find out more about all the ways you can pay your water bill by clicking the link below.
Our list of household charges for previous years.
We're pleased you're interested in applying for a water meter, they’re a great way to save money.
If you don't have a water meter, we use your home's rateable value to calculate your bill
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Setting up a Direct Debit allows you to spread your water bill payments over the year rather than paying one lump sum. We'll even knock £5 off your annual bill.
If you have a question about your bill, click there to view our frequently asked questions.